Careful of IRS Scammers!!! BEWARE

As most have seen, there has been many shady stories of people being called by unknown numbers, these mysterious individuals usually claim to be the IRS. They force to make innocent people believe that they have overdue payments, or need certain information for "updating their files". Let me tell you the truth is, yes, these people are NOT part of the IRS, yes, they want your money and are committing a felony, but most importantly yes there is a way to tell if they are real IRS workers or plain out fakes.
The five major tips that the IRS will never do:
1. Call to demand immediate payment, not to mention taxes owed without having sent an invoice by mail.
2. It requires you to pay taxes without giving an opportunity to challenge or appeal the amount they say you owe.
3. It requires you to use a specific method of payment for taxes, as a prepaid debit card or iTunes.
4. Order the number of your credit card or debit card over the phone.
5. Threatens to bring local police or other law enforcement groups to have him arrested for nonpayment.
If you notice any of these things occurring, there are steps and choices of what you can do:
1. Do NOT provide any information and simply hand up.
2. Contact the office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) to report the call. Use the "Report Scams IRS" on their website or call 800-366-4484
3. Report to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Use the "Wizard FTC complaints" in Please add “phone scam IRS" in the notes.
However, if you do believe you do owe anything for taxes:
Call the IRS at 800.829.1040. IRS employees can help!
Please beware that these scams are individuals who believe stealing from anyone is quick and easy without any kind of consequences. Do not allow yourself to become their victim!